Decimals are a crucial part of our daily lives, whether we are dealing with money, measurements, or data. This quiz will challenge your understanding of decimal concepts through practical word problems that mimic real-world scenarios. Get ready to put your decimal knowledge to the test and see how well you can navigate these numerical challenges. Good luck, and may your calculations be precise!
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Decimal Word Problems Quiz Questions Overview
1. If a chocolate bar costs $1.75 and you buy 4 of them, how much will it cost in total?
2. A car travels 56.7 miles on 3.5 gallons of gas. What is the car’s miles per gallon (mpg)?
15.2 mpg
16.2 mpg
17.2 mpg
18.2 mpg
3. You have $45.50 and you spend $12.75 on a book. How much money do you have left?
4. If you divide 24.6 by 3, what is the result?
5. A piece of fabric is 12.75 meters long. If you cut it into 3 equal parts, how long is each part?
4.25 meters
4.15 meters
4.35 meters
4.45 meters
6. If you multiply 3.6 by 2.5, what is the product?
7. A recipe calls for 0.75 cups of sugar. If you want to make half the recipe, how much sugar do you need?
0.35 cups
0.375 cups
0.40 cups
0.45 cups
8. You buy 3.5 kilograms of apples at $2.80 per kilogram. How much do you pay in total?
9. If you have 5.5 liters of water and you drink 1.75 liters, how much water is left?
3.75 liters
3.85 liters
3.95 liters
4.05 liters
10. A ribbon is 8.4 meters long. If you cut it into 4 equal pieces, how long is each piece?
2.0 meters
2.1 meters
2.2 meters
2.3 meters
11. If you multiply 7.2 by 0.5, what is the product?
12. You have $100 and you spend $23.45 on groceries and $15.75 on a book. How much money do you have left?
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