
Immerse yourself in the world of French grammar, where every rule and exception tells a story of linguistic elegance. This quiz is designed to challenge and refine your understanding of French grammar, whether you’re a seasoned speaker or just starting out. Bonne chance!
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French Grammar Quiz
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1. Which of the following is the correct conjugation of the verb ‘être’ in the present tense for ‘nous’?
Choose the correct form of ‘être’ for ‘nous’.

French Grammar Quiz Questions Overview

1. Which of the following is the correct conjugation of the verb ‘être’ in the present tense for ‘nous’?


2. What is the correct form of the adjective ‘beau’ when describing a feminine singular noun?


3. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the partitive article?

Je veux du pain.
Je veux de pain.
Je veux des pain.
Je veux le pain.

4. How do you say ‘I am going to the market’ in French?

Je vais au marché.
Je vais à la marché.
Je vais aux marché.
Je vais de marché.

5. Which of the following is the correct plural form of ‘animal’ in French?


6. What is the correct form of the verb ‘avoir’ in the passé composé for ‘je’?

j’ai eu
j’ai avoir
je suis eu
je ai eu

7. Which of the following is the correct translation of ‘They are happy’ (feminine) in French?

Elles sont heureuses.
Ils sont heureux.
Elles sont heureux.
Ils sont heureuses.

8. What is the correct form of the adjective ‘vieux’ when describing a masculine singular noun that starts with a vowel?


9. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the subjunctive mood?

Il faut que tu viennes.
Il faut que tu viens.
Il faut que tu venir.
Il faut que tu vienne.

10. What is the correct form of the verb ‘finir’ in the future tense for ‘nous’?

nous finirons
nous finissons
nous finirons
nous finirez

11. Which of the following is the correct translation of ‘She has a red car’ in French?

Elle a une voiture rouge.
Elle a un voiture rouge.
Elle a une rouge voiture.
Elle a un rouge voiture.

12. What is the correct form of the verb ‘aller’ in the imperfect tense for ‘je’?

je aller
je allais

13. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the conditional mood?

Je voudrais un café.
Je veux un café.
Je voudrai un café.
Je voudrait un café.
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